The Flow Cytometry Core provides a wide range of assays including cell cycle, cell proliferation, apoptosis, cell viability, cell signaling, stem cell detection, fluorescent protein analysis, and cell phenotyping along with cell sorting. Our equipment consists of three conventional flow cell analyzers which detect up to 28 colors, an Aurora spectral flow cytometer, 3 high-speed MoFlo cell sorters, a user-friendly MA900 self-run cell sorter, a Helios mass cytometer, and a Luminex Magpix multiplex bead analyzer. The Core provides a consulting service to help those with little flow cytometry background to design appropriate experiments and holds regular training sessions to give investigators updates on new techniques and Core capabilities. Further information can be found by visiting our website or by emailing the Core at
Lester Acosta | Manager, Flow Cytometry Shared Resource, University of Colorado Cancer Center
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
12801 E 17th Ave., MS 8127 | RC1 South, Room 4112 | Aurora, CO 80045
303-724-3146 |
Please schedule work on our iLab page or through
Please acknowledge the Cancer Center Support Grant (P30CA046934) in your publications.